
Middle School

    • Middle School

Middle School Division

List of 1 items.

  • 5th/6th Grade

    Identity development is central to middle school life and to our program. Our students show up as their authentic selves and know that they belong at the school and are truly valued. Belonging is tied to academic engagement and achievement for students of color and white students alike.

    In Middle School, to provide for the expanding intellectual lives of the students, we have a team of teachers who specialize in different areas of the curriculum. To provide an anchor for each student, we have an advisory program following the Responsive Classroom model. Middle School units are a thinking curriculum, focusing on learning processes, critical thinking, and habits of mind. Students work to build understanding, reflect deeply, wrestle with ambiguity, and make connections within and across disciplines. 

Multi-Level Classes

Advisory, Art, Band, Executive Functioning, Spanish, Library, Outdoor Learning/ Farm, Physical Education

Hallmark Experiences

  • Nature's Classroom (October/ November)
  • Gone Fishin' (October)
  • Ice Skating (December)

Middle School Division

List of 1 items.

  • 7th/8th Grade

    In 7th/8th grade, we build strong classroom communities that challenge students to be confident risk-takers, compassionate global citizens, and agents of change. We offer powerful learning opportunities to expand their capacity for independence, leadership, and social justice work.
    The Middle School units are a thinking curriculum, focusing on learning processes, critical thinking, and habits of mind. Students build understanding, reflect deeply, wrestle with ambiguity, and make connections. 7th/8th-grade students take on a leadership role in the school, shaping our traditions and helping younger students. Throughout the year, we will travel around the neighborhood, the city, and beyond. Students will build their academic confidence and decision-making skills as they choose topics to research and projects to explore.

Multi-Level Classes

Advisory, Art, Band, Executive Functioning, Spanish, Library, Outdoor Learning/ Farm, Physical Education

Hallmark Experiences

  • City Quest (throughout the year)
  • Sandwich Shoppe (throughout the year)
  • Wilderness Camping/ Spanish Camp (October/ November)
  • Ice Skating (December)
  • 8th Grade International Trip (April)
    • Affiliations

      Independent Schools Association of the Central States

    • Affiliations

      Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      National Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      American Montessori Society

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