Illness and Injury Guidelines

Illnesses and injuries are a typical part of school life. Please review and follow the guidelines below to help ensure the health and wellness of your child and our school community.
Submit all absences in SchoolPass, which will notify your child’s teachers/advisor, the main office, and the school nurse. Include the nature of your child’s absence in the notes section.  

Reporting Illnesses
We continue to depend on families reporting illnesses for monitoring purposes. Additional information and healthcare provider notes should be sent to

Respiratory Virus Guidance
For general respiratory virus recommendations, please see the CDC's Respiratory Virus Guidance Snapshot. More information can be found on the CDC's website.

Please reach out to

When to Keep Your Child Home from School

Fever above 100.0° - Students can return to school if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.

Vomiting and/or Diarrhea - Students can return to school if they’ve had no vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.

New Onset Rash - All new rashes need to be seen by a healthcare provider with a provider note stating when they are approved to return to school.

Eye Crusting or Discharge - Any potential eye infections need to be seen by a healthcare provider with a provider note stating when they are approved to return to school.

Symptoms Not Improving Within a Few Days - May need to be seen by a healthcare provider. Contact your child’s pediatrician for guidance.

Physical Injuries - Any injuries that may impede your child’s ability to get around and participate in school activities without assistance need to be seen by a healthcare provider. A provider note must be submitted stating the nature of the injury, expected recovery time, and any accommodations the student may need at school while they recover.

Emergency Room Visit or Hospitalization - A discharge summary must be submitted with medical clearance to return to school, including any school guidance or accommodations required upon return.
    • Affiliations

      Independent Schools Association of the Central States

    • Affiliations

      Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      National Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      American Montessori Society

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