We continue to grow algae in the classroom and test whether other creatures can live with it (photos
here). The goal of students bringing algae home is to practice caring for a living thing and meeting its needs. If the algae dies, that's ok. Death is part of life. I can give you more algae.
1. Warm, stable temperatures
2. Natural light. Grow lights also work.
3. Oxygen. As a plant, Nannochloropsis breathes oxygen. Try to keep the jar's lid off if possible. Several times a day, put the lid on and shake the jar well to mix tiny bubbles into the water.
4. Space and food, ie, fresh water + a little sugar
In the right conditions, algae grows until it uses up all its space and food, then crashes unless given more. You'll see its color change dramatically in a day or so. So every week, add a little more water, ideally distilled water, the kind sold for baby formula. Tap water contains chlorine byproducts that kill algae. Stir in a tiny pinch of sugar before adding to the algae.