My Ancona FAQ

What information can I access in My Ancona?

Student Information
  • View your chid(ren)’s schedule
  • Download files related to your child(ren) such as progress reports
  • View detailed attendance information
  • This is a central hub for links to the information you need as a parent
    • Library pages and resources
    • Sign-ups for after school, before school, music lessons, library information and other extracurricular activities
    • Links for BlackBaud Tution Management (formerly SmartTuition), conference sign-ups (pickAtime), Magnus Health, Summer camp sign-up that give you instant access via "single-sign-on"
    • School Lunch sign-up link, and much more!

Many important announcements that are posted to the weekly newsletter are cross-posted to the News portion of My Ancona -- look in the top navigation area.

Each grade level grouping provides a space for teachers to communicate with parents at that grade level. You can access them directly here, or by using the "Groups" navigation at the top of My Ancona

Preprimary Community Group
1st/2nd Grades Community Group
3rd/4th Grades Community Group
5th/6th Grades Community Group
7th/8th Grades Community Group

  • Student, Parent, and Faculty directories that allow you to search by grade level, advisory, etc.
  • View contact cards that include a detailed bio and photo, or simply find their contact info.

  • View a combined calendar that shows upcoming assignments (for select MS courses), events specific to your child(ren), and daily schedules alongside the Ancona Events calendar.
    • Affiliations

      Independent Schools Association of the Central States

    • Affiliations

      Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      National Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      American Montessori Society

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