Community & Philanthropy

Parent and Family Connections

List of 3 items.

  • APC

    Ancona Parent Connection (APC) is Ancona’s parent association. If you are an Ancona parent then you are automatically a member of APC and may attend as many or as few APC meetings and events as fits your interests and availability.

    Ancona Parents Listserv
    To join the Ancona Parents Listserv, please email The group is for general parent to parent information and discussion. Posts include anything from arranging playdates to posting items for sale to informing the community about interesting workshops and classes.
    APC focuses on four initiatives
    Community Engagement, Parent Education, Social Justice, and School Support. With these initiatives in mind, parents organize social activities, outings, discussion groups, and more throughout the year.
  • ANTS

    The Ancona Nature Team (ANTs) explores nature together through a series of out of school activities and family outings culminating in a yearly camping trip. The activities are designed to complement traditional scouting activities. ANTs is open to the entire Ancona community. Please email for more information.
  • Alumni

    We love our Alumni! Please visit our Alumni page for more information.
    • Affiliations

      Independent Schools Association of the Central States

    • Affiliations

      Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      National Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      American Montessori Society

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